Post Fertilization

This threshold begins at the time of conception. I.E. 20 Weeks Post Fertilization Restriction mean abortion is illegal after 20 weeks since conception. This specific law is based on the assertion, which is inconsistent with scientific evidence and has been rejected by the medical community, that a fetus can feel pain at that point in pregnancy.

Post Implantation

This threshold begins when the fertilized egg adhere’s to the lining of the uterus, roughly 5 days after fertilization. I.E. 24 Weeks Post Implantation Restriction means abortion is illegal after 27 weeks since last menstrual period.

Fetal Viability

The point at which a fetus can survive outside of the uterus. This is usually about 7 months or 28 weeks but can occur as early as 24 weeks.

Fetal Heartbeat

Restriction of abortion after a fetus’s heartbeat can be detected. This can occur 6 weeks after last menstrual period.

State-by-state abortion legislation



Alabama’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Alaska does not have any laws restricting abortion after a specific point in pregnancy. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Arizona’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

There is no public funding for abortion. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Arkansas’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


California’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Colorado does not have any laws restricting abortion after a specific point in pregnancy. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Connecticut’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Delaware’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Florida’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 24 weeks since last menstrual period. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Georgia’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Hawaii’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Idaho’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Illinois’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Indiana’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. *Exception in case of patient’s physical health. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Iowa’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Kansas’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Kentucky’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Louisiana’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Maine’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Maryland’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Massachusett’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 24 weeks post-implantation. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Michigan’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Minnesota’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Mississippi’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. *A court has temporarily blocked enforcement of a Mississippi law that would have banned abortion at 15 weeks after the patient’s last menstrual period.* (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. *Exception in case of fetal abnormality. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Missouri’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Montana’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Nebraska’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Nevada’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 24 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

New Hampshire

New Hampshire does not have any laws restricting abortion after a specific point in pregnancy. (BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

New Jersey

New Jersey does not have any of the major types of abortion restrictions—such as waiting periods, mandated parental involvement or limitations on publicly funded abortions—often found in other states. (Guttmacher Institute last updated Jan 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

New Mexico

New Mexico does not have any of the major types of abortion restrictions—such as waiting periods, mandated parental involvement or limitations on publicly funded abortions—often found in other states. (Guttmacher Institute last updated Jan 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

New York

New York’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

North Carolina

North Carolina’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. General Assembly of North Carolina Senate Bill 405: Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act took effect on September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

North Dakota

North Dakota’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Ohio’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Oklahoma’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Oregon does not have any of the major types of abortion restrictions—such as waiting periods, mandated parental involvement or limitations on publicly funded abortions—often found in other states. (Guttmacher Institute last updated Jan 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Pennslyvania’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 24 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

Rhode Island

Rhode Island’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

South Carolina

South Carolina’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

South Dakota

South Dakota’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment.* (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Tennessee’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Texas’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal heartbeat (4-6 weeks). (BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021. Texas Legislature act SB 8 and HB 1515: Texas Heartbeat Act took effect on September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Utah’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. *Exception in case of patient’s physical health. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Vermont does not have any of the major types of abortion restrictions—such as waiting periods, mandated parental involvement or limitations on publicly funded abortions—often found in other states. (Guttmacher Institute last updated Jan 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Virginia’s threshold for restriction on abortion begins at the start of the third trimester (about week 27). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. *Exception in case of fetal abnormality. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Wasington’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for all or most medically necessary abortions. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)

West Virginia

West Virginia’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. *Exception in case of patient’s physical health, or in case of fetal abnormality. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Wisconsin’s threshold for restriction on abortion is 20 weeks post-fertilization. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. *Exception in case of patient’s physical health. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)


Wyoming’s threshold for restriction on abortion is fetal viability (24-28 weeks). (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021. BallotPedia last updated September 1, 2021)

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest. (Guttmacher Institute last updated October 1, 2021)